Turnstiles control access at the University of Fort Hare
The University of Fort Hare in the Eastern Cape is approaching its centenary with enthusiasm and pride. Since its formation in 1916, this truly African icon of education has swelled its student numbers to 11 000.
Many of the current political leaders in South Africa were educated at the University of Fort Hare, which is also the alma mater of former President Nelson Mandela.
The university serves as the repository of the archives of the African National Congress documents and houses one of the most significant collections of African art.
In line with this growth has come the development of new technology and an increasing need to monitor and control the access of the influx of people into the institution.
A large computer centre and a well-stocked library are available for student and lecturer use. In order to restrict unauthorised entry into and prevent theft from these capital-intensive areas, some form of access control was required.
There are 33 residence halls on the Alice campus, with over 4 000 student residents and a number of lecturers also residing on campus. The number of available beds is set to increase by in excess of 2 000, making access control into the residences critical. This is especially pertinent to out of town students who may feel vulnerable in terms of security breaches.
In collaboration with systems integration company 4C Technology, Turnstar – Africa’s largest manufacturer of physical access control products – supplied 18 of its flagship Tribune turnstiles to control access throughout the campus.

The Tribune is a full height, ultra secure, single-reader turnstile which can be integrated with any biometric system biometric. The user is required to provide biometric data (fingerprint) during mid-rotation of the turnstile gate in order to gain validated entry or exit at the selected premises. If access is permitted, the turnstile will turn 90° forward and relock for the next transaction. However, if access is denied, the turnstile will reverse turn 90° and relock.
Each learner utilises their official Student Identity Card, which reflects all access requirements particular to the student. The card is linked to their fingerprint on a centralised database and allows them to gain access to via the turnstiles to predetermined areas on campus. The system can be programmed to set specific time limits for each student in terms of access to the computer and library facilities. This will ensure that the resources within the computer centre and library are available and equally shared amongst all students.
The access to the student accommodation was fenced off and the Tribune turnstiles were strategically placed around the perimeter to accommodate the high traffic volumes which occur early each morning before lectures.
Day students, who do not require access to residences and dining halls, will not be enabled to access these areas via the Tribune turnstiles. Likewise, once-off time limits will be set for visitors to the campus to ensure that access does not exceed the specific parameters of their visit. Any movement of visitors through the turnstiles outside these time frames will disallow entry or exit.
Click here for more information on the TRIBUNE turnstile.
Established in 1990, Turnstar manufactures a full range of turnstiles, revolving doors, man-trap cubicles, vehicle barriers, spike barriers and anti-terror hydraulic bollards and road blockers. All Turnstar products are manufactured at its modern facility in Wynberg, Johannesburg and are exported worldwide. Products are supplied to factories, warehouses, office parks, health clubs, shopping centres, banks, stadiums, power stations and construction sites.