Chilean shopping centre group chooses Turnstar’s spike barrier
Mall Plaza is one of Latin America’s leading shopping centre chains, with 20 commercial centres operating, of which 16 are in Chile. The organisation has recently increased its focus on providing security to all stakeholders with the inclusion of a number of physical security elements.
“A major concern for Mallplaza’s management were the safety and security issues around vehicle theft and drivers forcing their way through the exit. A number of technologies were evaluated, with the demand being for guaranteed prohibited illegal crossing of perimeters by drivers with criminal intent,” says Turnstar MD Craig Sacks.
Turnstar’s representative in Chile, MESTE S.A., was asked to provide spike barrier technology that would efficiently and seamlessly integrate with the Amano traffic booms already in place. Installed at the exit points of the shopping centre parking areas, these physical barriers ensure that vehicles can only drive over the spike barrier once the driver has inserted their valid parking ticket into the ticket receptacle.
“Our Talon spike barriers are extremely effective at disallowing vehicles from illegally and recklessly exiting parking areas. These high-security road spike barriers are suited for applications requiring high volume egress and have been supplied to the Mall Plaza centres with a surface mount design, across an area of 3 metres,” says Sacks.
The Talon spikes are constructed from extremely durable galvanised mild steel material to ensure ongoing operation over many years of service. The spikes are driven by a heavy-duty torque motor and will automatically lower in the event of power failures. The unique patented double sided spikes offer protection for traffic in any direction and an electronic interlock safely lowers spikes first and then raises the barrier arm, thereby ensuring that the tyres of validated vehicles will not be damaged by raised spikes.
“Mall Plaza is very happy with the solution we provided and is especially pleased that the quick 3-second descent time does not cause bottle necking at the exit points,” says Sacks.